Welcome to year 6!
We are a happy and lively bunch but are also very eager to learn and succeed!
As it is such an interesting and vast topic, (and we were enjoying it so much), this summer half term, we are continuing with our topic; 'More than Mods & Rockers'.
The children will continue to learn and understand the history aspect of the topic, but in addition to this, the children will also be developing their geographical skills within the topic. The will be able to identify and locate places and environments using globes, atlases, and maps and identify similarities and differences to describe, compare and contrast places and environments.
Children will be creating play scripts and newspaper articles in their language lessons through looking at the work of Shakespeare, in particular Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet.
This half term, the children will be developing their data handling skills, in particular, pie charts and line graphs. The children will be continuing to develop their four rules of number knowledge and how to apply their mathematical skills into a variety of contexts.
The children will be learning how to say and write their individual interests as well as telling the time and using the past tense in Welsh.
P.E lessons are taken by Miss Thomas every Friday afternoon. Children are required to bring a plain white top, black joggers/shorts and trainers every Friday.
This half term, the children’s R.E lessons will involve finding out all about the Muslim faith.
P.E lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursdays on fridays we have either Rugby,Netball or games.
You have to bring a plain white top and black joggers/shorts.
We have also been learning about the water cycle.
We learnt about collection,evaporation,condensation and precipitation.
we watched this video: