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Welcome to 4H


The children have already settled so well in their new class and have shown happy and positive attitudes towards their learning.


This half term our topic is 'The end of the rainbow' and as many of our activities are based on a book called 'How Many Jellybeans?' the children have been extremely eager to complete work (perhaps the promise of a jellybean has assisted this eagerness)!


Children must bring their reading books and reading records into school every day.  It is important that you read with your child as often as possible at home too.


PE will be every Friday and pupils will need to come to school dressed in the PE kit (black shorts/joggers and white t-shirt).





To demonstrate and celebrate the knowledge and skills acquired this half term during our Deadly 60 Topic, the children have produced an interactive presentation. You will amazed by your children's digital prowess and newly acquired skills and knowledge showcased using iMovies, Chatterpix, photographs, Green Screen, Poplet to name just a few.

The children have already thrown themselves into our new topic with enthusiasm and excitement. Deadly 60 has certainly sparked their interest already. We have started to learn about the top ten deadly snakes, animal classification and distinctive features. The children will be learning how to create branching databases, keys, life cycles and habitats.


Mr Williams has been making the most of our outdoor areas and engaging the children in a variety of innovative activities to promote their understanding of this topic.


Their language work has already impressed us no end ... expanded noun phrases, 2A sentences and Emotion Comma to name but a few (ask your children, the experts for clarification!)


Regular photos will be posted on Twitter for you to keep up to speed with their work and see how happy and engaged they are!
