Siarter Iaith Cymraeg Campus
The Welsh Assembly Government has announced an aim to increase the number of welsh speakers in Wales to 1 million by the year 2050. As part of this aim they have issued a charter called ‘Siarter Iaith Cymraeg’ – The Welsh Language Charter.
The school part of this charter is called Cymraeg Campus and our first job has been to create a ‘Criw Cymraeg’ or Welsh Crew. Our Criw Cymraeg is made up of 9 Year 6 children and their role is to promote the use of the Welsh Language in our school and the wider community. We are currently working our way towards the Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award and working hard to promote the Welsh language within Brackla Primary school.
Dyma'r Criw Cymraeg - Here's the Criw Cymraeg
We like speaking Welsh and want to help our friends speak welsh in school. We have the task of leading the use of the Welsh Language at Brackla Primary School. We will encourage our friends and staff to use Welsh as often as possible. This could be in class, on the yard or even out in our community. We get together as a team to think of ways to improve using the Welsh Language.
• Hybu’r Gymraeg drwy’r ysgol.
Promoting Welsh throughout the school.
• Gêmau amser chwarae
Leading playground games in Welsh.
• Patwrm yr Wythnos
Promoting “Phrase of the Week.”
• Gwasanaeth Cymraeg
Contributing to the weekly/monthly Welsh school assembly.
• Trefnu and chefnogi “Calendr Cymraeg yr ysgol”
Organise and support all Welsh Cultural events on the school calendar
• Hybu iaith achlysurol drwy’r ysgol
Promoting the use of incidental Welsh throughout the school.
• Creu ethos Gymreig
Promotes a Welsh ethos throughout the school.
• Hybu brwdfrydedd am yr Iaith Gymraeg
Promoting enthusiasm for the Welsh Language
Pam dysgu Cymraeg? - Why learn Welsh?
Gweithgareddau Cymraeg gartref - Welsh activities at home
The Criw are responsible for encouraging the use of the Welsh language throughout the school in addition to promoting a positive Welsh ethos.
There are a number of things that the Criw Cymraeg have already implemented, fun Welsh playground games, weekly 'Siaradwr Gymraeg yr Wythnos' certificates for children speaking the most Welsh and Ymadrodd yr Wythnos / Phrase of The Week.
All of their hard work will go towards helping the school achieve the Cymraeg Campus language charter bronze award, which they are very excited about.
Here are some suitable websites you could use to help your child develop their Welsh at home.