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Friday 6th December 2013


As we wrote last time we have been busy writing and directing our Christmas Play. The children have done a fantasic job and are so excited about performing it for you next week. Thank you for the fabulous response to costumes.

Friday 22nd November 2013


What fun and hard work we have been having in class over the last three weeks. Everyone is doing phonics, learning new words, writing and reading everyday. If that is not enough there has been money, shapes and patterns thrown in for luck! No wonder everyone is so tired at the end of the day!


Next week we will begin our Christmas Concert. This year we are having a complete break with tradition. The children will be writing, directing and producing the concert from scratch. No book! No music! No script!


Everyone will know what part they are playing on Wednesday 27th November and if there are any costume requirements.


The concert will be on Tuesday 10th December at 1.30pm.

Friday 8th November


Welcome back to school. I hope everyone had a fun packed half term break? This week we have been using the book 'Mog in the Dark' for our guided group reading. Mog is a regular feature in our class has pride of place on all the comfy chairs.


Friday was PJ Day. We all yawned our way through the day and tucked into hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows and lots of sprinkles!


It was a great way to start our new topic and we are all looking forward to the weeks ahead.

Friday 11th October 2013


What a magical week we have had. everybody has been busy casting spells and making magic happen. We have turned a bottle of pop into a massive fountain, made up magical words and had wizardy paint explosions in class!! Yes I was covered!


Next week is the 'Magic Show' and you are all invited on Thursday 17th October as we present it to the school as part of collective worship. It will start at 2.30pm.


As you can imagine we will be busy all week writing the script and learning lines.


Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday

Friday 4th October 2013


This week has been a consolidation week. We have not added any new sounds or high frquencency words to our wall. Everybody enjoined drama with Miss Joyce . They were pretending to be wizards and searched the enchanted forests for toads and slugs! ugh!


Next week is going to be very magical as we all have a go at writing Magic Spells, learning some wizardy poems and maths is very spooky - making full things empty and empty things full. As well as finding missing numbers! OOOOOOOOHHHH!


In phonics we will be using our first digraph (two letters together)  'sh'.


Be prepared - because the afternoon tasks include a very muddy walk with Mrs. Morgan, marbling with Mrs. Coskun and mixing magic mixtures with Mrs. Rees.

Monday 23rd September


We have had a very Messy week and lots of apologies to parents! Everyone has had a reading book and we are now embarking on the reading journey full steam ahead! If you have any questions please jot them down in the yellow book or call by the class.


What we are Learning this week in class:

  • learning to recognise and read the names of the Oxford Reading Tree characters; Kipper, Biff, Chip,Floppy, Mum and Dad.
  • Identify the sounds and the letters s, m, t, p, n, a, i, c,d
  • Use the number line and identify numbers that come before and after.
  • Look for the 'odd one out' and explain why
  • Put stories, instructions, recipes in order.


There is homework for the first time this year so please look in the homework page. Don't forget on Friday 27th at 9am in the Junior Hall is the meeting for parents to find out about our new curriculum.

Week beginning Monday 16th September


What we are Learning this week in class:

  • learning to recognise and read the names of the Oxford Reading Tree characters; Kipper, Biff, Chip,Floppy, Mum and Dad.
  • Identify the sounds and the letters s, m, t, p, n, a, i
  • Identify pairs in numbers, making pairs and find pairs
  • Learn to sing the months of the year


In addition to the above we are having a 'Muck, Mess and Mixed Up' morning on Tuesday --so be prepared for messy children! We will also be watching a theatre production of 'Alice in Wonderland' in the school hall this week.


Please can you label all your children's clothes as they are now changing for PE and finding/guessing the correct clothes can be tricky!

