The children have enjoyed this half term's theme of Teeny Tiny Things. We have had lots of fun outside, looking for teeny tiny things around the school grounds, a bug hunt in the wild area and weaving spider webs with willow and wool. We have frogspawn in our class and have enjoyed watching it hatch and develop through the different stages of a tadpole and are looking forward to releasing some of them into our school pond when they become frogs. The Very Hingry Caterpillar was one of our favourite stories and the children have also been learning about the Easter story.
After the half term break we will continue with the theme, focussing on a non-fiction and fact aspect for the short four week term.
In the meantime, please take a look at the photos below to give you an idea of what the children have been doing...
Things to Remember
Please ensure your child has a warm coat and is prepared for the cold weather – all items labelled please. They also need a pair of wellies that they can keep at school for our outside activities.
Monday- Please pay £1.00 each week if you wish for your child to have a piece of fruit each breaktime – if you wish to pay per term or for a few weeks please do.
Well done to the part time nursery children and their parents. They have settle into nursery and our routine very well and the full time children have made them feel very welcome. From the 28th April the current afternoon part timers will change to the morning sessions. Starting at 8.50am till 11.30am. Please provide fruit or fruit money as usual and ensure that your child has at least one spare change of clothes in their named bag. Thank you.
We have 12 new part time children starting in the afternoons and we are all looking forward to welcoming them. Starting on the 28th April, from 1.05pm till 3.10pm. If you would like your child to have fruit please pay £1.00 at the start of each week or provide it for them, thank you.