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Reception/Year 1

Summer Term

Dens & Dandelions

Reception/Year 1’s topic this half-term is ‘Dens and Dandelions. Using their ‘super senses’ the children will observe nature’s beauty and magic. Much of this work will take place outdoors – finding treasures along the way, describing their surroundings and taking digital photographs of interesting things: tree bark, leaves of different shapes and size, wild flowers  and seeds. The children will become aware of woodland safety rules, pointing out things that shouldn’t be touched or eaten, keeping calm and looking out for hazards. In science the children will observe different plants and how they grow, as well as   learning the names of common birds, flowers, trees and plants. They will record through talk, writing, art and digitally. The children will develop reading skills through favourite stories such as The Gruffalo and Jasper’s Beanstalk as well as exploring lots of information books about the Great Outdoors.  We are   hoping for some dry weather but have our wellies at the ready!

