Croeso i 1T, we are a lively and happy class of 28 children.
Our class teacher is Mrs Thomas and we are lucky enough to have Mrs Morgan as our
Learning Support Officer.
We will be keeping this page up to date with what we have been up to in class, places we have visited, visitors to school, dates for the diary and lots more so please check back with us as often as you can.
Our PE session is on a Monday so please bring PE kit ( black shorts and a white tee shirt) in a bag EVERY Monday - or leave a kit bag in school for the half term.
Please try to read at home with your child and bring reading books (in a book bag) every day.
Fruit is 20p per day (£1 a week).
Payment should be placed in a clearly labelled envelope and handed in on the door please.
Wellies (to be left in school) would be useful for our outdoor activities
please label each boot with their name :)
Diary Dates
Monday 14th July - Children to meet their new teacher
Wednesday 16th July - Superhero Party
Thursday 17th July - Last Day of Term
Home Challenge
Every child in 1T has now been given a green homework book, please encourage them to take responsibility for it and keep it in good condition.
Please make every effort to support your child in these activities as they enjoy the feedback sessions and can feel left out if they have nothing to contribute.
Thank you for your support and please do not hesitate to ask if you need any further information about the tasks.
When the wind blows, inside is a haven, outside is a battle.