Welcome to 5/6S class page. We have P.E every Wednesday so please ensure your child comes to school in their P.E kits, (black shorts/joggers, white T shirt and trainers).
This term, our topic is, 'A Bright Future'. The topic is Science and Technology based and so the children will be learning about light, sound, electrical circuits and programming. The children are lucky to have programming workshops planned for them this term, which I am sure they will thoroughly enjoy. Our rich task this term will be a 'Dragon's Den' style pitch. The children will create a robot in small groups and will have the difficult job of persuading the 'Dragon's' to purchase their product using their persuasive techniques and excellent oracy skills...along with effective collaborative learning.
Please ensure your child brings their reading books into school EVERY day as we will make every effort to read with the children as often as possible during the week. The children will not have reading record books this year, please comment on your child's image of their reading book on Seesaw when you have read with them at home. Please ensure you as a family member are attached to your child's Seesaw account as I will often communicate through this media.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Williams