Welcome to Reception!
Croeso ,welcome to our Reception page.
In reception this year we have: Mrs. Davis - class teacher; Mrs. Coskun - cover supervisor;
Mrs. Morgan - Learning Support Officer and Ms. Rees Learning Support Assistant. What a gang!
We will be following the Foundation Phase Curriculum with areas of learning to include :
*Personal and social development, Wellbeing and cultural diversity.
*Language, Literacy and communication skills
*Mathematical development
*Welsh Language
*Knowledge and understanding of the world
*Physical development
*Creative development
If you have questions please ask the teachers at school and look out for our open morning/afternoon sessions where you can come into school and find out what is going on!
What's Happening this term?
We have lots of new topics planned for this year.
We are starting the SpringTerm 2014 with:
Dragons Tale
This project has a Language and Literacy focus as well as a large historical element. The children will be introduced to a range of modern and cultural stories, activities and events that celebrate aspects of Welsh heritage and tradition in readiness for St. David's Day.
In this project the children will learn about:
Significant places in Wales.
Maps and plans.
Recording their ideas through a variety of means.
Animals that lay eggs.
Myths and legends.
Aspects of Welsh culture.
Hero's from the Bible.
Of course there will be Mathematics and English every morning.
In Mathematics this half term we will be covering the following;
Counting, recognising, reading and writing Numbers to 20 and beyond, bigger and smaller numbers, early addition, describing naming and making 3D shapes, recognising 1p 2p and 5p coins and using them in tasks, using numbers in everyday life, heavy and light, ordinal numbers.
In English this half term we will be;
Beginning to read (individual, guided group and whole class), listening for all the sounds in words,
High Frequency Words, beginnning to use word banks, writing poetry, improving our handwriting.
Lots of activities to keep everyone busy all half term.
Ready for School
Most weeks homework will be sent . This is usually letter of the week, key words, reading books and sometimes a mathematics task. There will also be a half termly family/child task. Perhaps to find, make or learn something new together.
What your child needs everyday:
A spare set of clothes labelled ( just in case, this can be left in school)
A book bag with their name on - which will soon have a book in!
PE kit ( black shorts and a white tee shirt) please bring in a bag on Monday and leave on the peg for the week. We have PE on a Friday but we also sneak in a few more sessions during the week!
Wellies for outdoor adventures!
£1. 00 per week or 20p a day if you would like your child to have fruit( please give it to class teacher clearly labelled)
A Big smile and lots of energy, so early nights for everyone!
Dates to Remember
1. 18th December - Christmas Dinner in school.
2. 19th December- Christmas Trip to Wiggley's Farm to see Santa
Thank you for looking at our page. Please check it out every week for updates, photos, homework info and important dates. Any queries please stop by at the classroom door or make an appointment at the main office.
Mrs. J. Davis