Autumn Term B
We are excited to embark on a very new topic for upper key stage this half term. As part of the whole school topic "Paws, Jaws and Claws" we will be looking at dinosaurs! Children are already excited about the topic and have started coming into school with information and facts they have found out at home about these fascinating prehistoric creatures.
We have already had a virtual session with Cardiff museum about life during the Dinosaur times and will be continuing to look at adaptation features of these creatures throughout the term. We are going to use our science skills to be super paleontologists and create a website to show off our knowledge.
We are continuing this term to record children's reading and capture some of their learning via Seesaw. Please continue to use your 'Seesaw for Families' app to connect to your child's account for updates. Please also remember to follow the school' twitter account for some additional photos of whole-class activities.