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Diary Dates

Every Monday from 8:45-9:00am & 3:15-3:30 Tina Kershaw (Brynteg Transition Learning Support Officer) will be available for drop in chats with parents reagrding their children's transition to Brynteg. Meet in the school foyer. If these times are not convenient then please feel free to make an appointment on a Monday only.


June 3rd Helping Hands Transition to Brynteg 9.30-12.30 (children invloved have been notified)


June 10th Helping Hands Transition for children & parents 9-11.30


June 25th Maths Transition Session Brynteg (morining only)


June 26th Year 6 Parents Meetings all day


July 3rd Transition Day in Brynteg for all children attending Brynteg in September


July 7th Year 6 trip to Heatherton


July 10th Year 6 Parents evening at Brynteg



