Thrive Time takes place every Monday morning and is a firm favourite of the children's. This term we are thinking about getting on and falling out and have begun by recognising that being able to calm ourselves plays an important part in this. We were introduced to some new breathing techniques this week - take a look at them below and practise them at home - which is your favourite?
Welcome to 2/3P. Mrs. Davies and I are very much looking forward to all the fun things we have planned for the term ahead. The children have settled well and are enjoying some of the changes to their daily routines. If you have any questions about what happens in the class, please don't hesitate to ask.
There are a few things that you can do to help us help your child.
* Reading books need to be in school every day.
* Please read at home with your child. Use the question prompts in the reading books to talk about what they have read.
* Home learning will be available on Seesaw on a Wednesday starting on the 13th September. It needs to be completed within two weeks.
* Seesaw codes were sent home last week. If you are having problems logging in, please let us know. As the term unfolds, you will be able to see and talk about what your child is doing on Seesaw.
* PE will be very Monday. Please ensure your child comes to school in PE kit, which is a white t-shirt and navy or black shorts, joggers, or leggings. Long hair needs to be tied up please.
* Outdoor learning is on Thursday. Children will need a pair of wellies in school for the term. Please put these in a plastic bag so that the children can store them on their coat pegs.
* And finally, please label all your children's clothes with their names. You would be surprised by the amount of unclaimed lost property that builds up in our cloakroom!
Thank you for your support.