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3/4M - Mr McNamara

 Summer Term

This term our whole school topic is Jeux Olympiques Paris.  Our class will be working on how to get Faster, Higher, Stronger, Together. We have looked at lots of little video clips and carried out a fun quiz about the Olympics. This has helped us to gather lots of ideas from the children about what they would like to learn and how they like to learn. As the term goes on I will be adding photos of some of the activities.  Remember to look at the Feedback Friday information on Seesaw.


Outdoor Learning

We have outdoor learning with Mr Williams every fortnight starting Thursday 11th April.


Home Learning

Home learning is every fortnight starting Wednesday 10th April.  If your child has lost their Seesaw home learning code or you need a copy of the adult log in please contact the office or if you bring your child to school just ask me.


Real P.E.

This term we are working on the physical cog of Real P.E. lessons will take place on Thursdays.  In this unit, the children will develop and apply their dynamic balance on a line and ball skills through focused skill development sessions, healthy competition, cooperative games and Personal Best challenges.


Any questions please message me through the parent/guardian part of the Seesaw app or try to grab me before or after school.


Kind regards Mr McNamara

All the adults at school are here to keep you safe. If you are worried about anything please talk to your teacher. You can use the worry box in your classroom if you need some help with a worry. Mrs Baldridge and Mrs John are always here to listen too.
