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To celebrate our butterflies being released into the Wild we had a lovely picnic together. We have loved our outdoors Dens and Dandelions topic.
This week Reception have been learning all about Information Books. We have been reading and investigating the features of this type of text.  Everyone has contributed to a Class book all about the Butterfly.
Please could you help us by sending in any cardboard tubes, yogurt pots , paper or plastic cups, plastic tape and any beach items you might have finished with for our Topic work. Thank you no

Summer Term

Dens & Dandelions

Reception/Year 1’s topic this half-term is ‘Dens and Dandelions. Using their ‘super senses’ the children will observe nature’s beauty and magic. Much of this work will take place outdoors – finding treasures along the way, describing their surroundings and taking digital photographs of interesting things: tree bark, leaves of different shapes and size, wild flowers  and seeds. The children will become aware of woodland safety rules, pointing out things that shouldn’t be touched or eaten, keeping calm and looking out for hazards. In science the children will observe different plants and how they grow, as well as   learning the names of common birds, flowers, trees and plants. They will record through talk, writing, art and digitally. The children will develop reading skills through favourite stories such as The Gruffalo and Jasper’s Beanstalk as well as exploring lots of information books about the Great Outdoors.  We are   hoping for some dry weather but have our wellies at the ready!


Check out a few snaps of our Day out at Cardiff Castle.

This year in World Book Day we dressed up as our book characters and brought our favourite book to school to share with our class.  We did lots of talking about stories and asked each other questions about the book.smiley

This half term Reception class are exploring the topic of 'Castles and Dragons'. It gives the children opportunity to focus on the historical and traditional and fantasy world of castles and the lives of people who lived and worked in them. We will be using a range of traditional stories as well as celebrating aspects of welsh heritage and culture. On Monday we are looking forward to our trip to Cardiff Castle to experience first hand what life in castles was like.

We loved taking part in the Eisteddfod on March 1st

As part of our 'Our Wonderful World' topic we learned about celebrating Chinese New Year. We had a great week practising skills across many areas of learning and finished off with a fantastic trip to Aberkenfig Chinese Restaurant.

We found about habitats across the world. When we looked at the hot country of Africa we enjoyed the book 'Handa's Surprise.' In the story there are lots of exotic fruits. We tasted them. Some of us liked them...some of us didn't!!

In RE we have been exploring 'Special Places.' We worked in groups to design a special place for Flic and Flac.

Christmas Jumper Day is Friday 18th December...all welcome to wear your festive jumpers to school!!

There has been much excitement in Brackla and Bethlehem as Reception put on their Christmas Production of " A Miracle in Town!"

This week we have been learning the names of vegetables and chopping them up to make a stew. We are learning to ask for things in Welsh using 'Ga i?'

We have been sorting foods that are healthy and not healthy and learning actions to go with the food types in PE

Reception Christmas concert "A miracle in Town" will be on December 8th. There will be 2 performances - 10 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. Letters asking for costumes will be sent out very soon - please could costumes be in school by December 1st for our dress rehearsal. Tickets will be sold from November 16th @ £2 each from the office. Tickets will be allocated two per child in the first instance and then more available from November 25th on a first come first served basis. Diolch!

This term our topic is ‘Alive and Kicking’.  We will be finding out about staying healthy, what foods are good for us and how being active and exercise effects our bodies.  We will explore families and look closely at the differences between us. 


Today we had a visit from St John’s Ambulance and a special hospital themed day.  In class part of our classroom has become the hospital for children to role play. 


We are also looking forward to starting our Christmas concerts and preparing for Christmas in Advent.


We had a wonderful WOW day to start off our topic...

Here's a few more pictures from our Wow Day...

Welcome to Reception!!

Croeso i Reception!

The children have settled very well this week into Reception and seem very happy. Behaviour has been excellent and we are all looking forward to an exciting year. I hope you have received the welcome letter and please feel free to ask anything you are unsure about. I hope to upload lots of photos to give you a flavour of what your child gets up to at school!

Watch this space....surprise

Look what we've been up to this week...
