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Welcome to 1/2S!


This half term our topic is 'Circus'.  This topic was delivered last year and the children absolutely loved it! We will be learning how circus' have changed over time, practising circus skills and creating our own circus items. We will be reading a different story book every week, the children will have an opportunity to decide on which 'my time' activities they would like in their classroom based on the story book. 


Our rich task for this term is, 'A Christmas Circus Extravaganza'. The children will be directing, producing and performing each part of this show. Therefore, all of our work on the lead up to putting on the show will include activities such as; creating tickets to sell, creating posters to advertise, creating costumes and backdrops for the show as well as learning our lines and songs. We are going to be very busy!


In addition to all of the work to support our show, it is really important that the children bring their reading books in to school every day and read as often as possible at home.


We will be learning to count in 2's, 5's and 10's this term as well as learning to double and halve numbers up to 10. Any extra help at home to embed this learning will be of great benefit.


Our P.E session is on a Monday and our outdoor learning session is on a Friday. Please ensure your child has their P.E kit and wellies in school for these sessions.


If you have any questions/queries, please do not hesitate to come and speak to one of us.


Mrs Stephens and Mrs Morgan. 

So far during our P.E lessons, we have worked on spatial awareness and developing our balance skills......we have some very good tight rope walkers in our class!

So far in our Maths lessons, we have been:

  • counting forwards and backwards to 20 
  • ordering numbers 
  • counting in 2's, 5's and 10's
  • Identifying doubles 
  • Identifying numbers bonds of 10
  • Identifying the properties of 2D shapes
  • Writing addition sums


.....and last week, we had lots of fun finding out about symmetry......

We have had such a busy first half term in our new class. We are all very settled and are all used to the routine of the classroom. We have thoroughly enjoyed our 'Circus' topic this half term and have already learnt lots. We have looked at the history of circus and compared circus' in the past to present circus'. We have helped the clown arrive at the circus by providing him with directions and found out how many circus workshops there are in Wales and located them on a map.


The children are all trying really hard with their reading and are always keen to read to me and aim to get a new book....sometimes, even if they have only had their current book for a day or two! frown


This week, we have been very busy starting the plans to put on our rick task- 'Santa's Christmas Circus Extravaganza!' We children have created tickets, posters using 'PicCollage', bunting in patterns to decorate our stage and started practising our opening dance for the show! We have also been collecting data to find out which snacks we should provide at our show and displayed our results as a block graph. In 'My Time', we have practised and recorded our dance, designed costumes for our show, created circus silhouettes and explored how to create shadows. 


Next week, as part of 'Dragon's Den' week, our class are creating a Circus workout video to ask the 'Dragon's' to invest into. If possible, please can the children bring in bright clothes on Wednesday 24th October to make our Circus workout video bright and colourful. Thank you.

Beeps Challenge
