Check out our mini projects...
We chose a country of the World Cup and as a group researched it from a travel agents perspective. After finishing our projects, we presented them to the class who then asked us further questions about our country.
Our last half term...
Our topic is Travel agents and hoping for some sunshine to help us learn about tourism and the impact it has on people and places. We will use Google Earth, iPads, maps and globes to help locate various holiday destinations. If you have any experiences of travelling and could come in to talk to the children please let us know. Please send in any travel brochures, postcards or World Cup resources!
On Thursday June 12th we will be entering mixed boy/girl teams for a cricket tournament for Year 4 pupils organised by Cricket Wales. Coach Mark Dixon has been helping us brush up on our cricket skills and we're looking forward to the day. Please send in £2 towards the bus and bring a packed lunch, drinks, a sun hat and wear sun cream if it's sunny. Wear sports clothes to school but bring something warm just in case! Everyone will be playing!
As part of our study of famous Victorians we have been looking at the work of William Morris. We researched his works and inspiration for his designs. After discovering most of his work followed close observation of nature we followed this theme and looked outdoors at plants and a few birds to help with our designs. After this we translated these designs to clay. We designed and made tiles similar to those still reproduced today. Take a look at our gallery...
During this topic the children will compare life for rich and poor with that of their lives today. Queen Victoria is one of the most well known monarchs and the children will find out about her life and role introducing laws and changes. They will find out about significant social and moral changes that took place as well as research important inventions of the time that continue to affect our lives today.
If you have any resources that may be of use to our study please let us know or send them in. Thank you
PE this half term is still on Fridays. A lot of our work will be outdoors depending on the weather. please bring warm clothes just in case! You will need to bring trainers.
Learning logs will be on Wednesday's. Don't forget if you need to use a school computer for your learning log this is on a Tuesday before and after school.
Most children are excellent at bringing their reading books every day. Well done Year 4!
An enormous amount of time and effort went into learning logs this week and here's some of the models of organs in the body.
The bacteria that live in the mouth stick to the hard surfaces of the teeth. Some of these bacteria create acids when they are combined with the sugar in foods and drinks we consume. These acids can break down the enamel of teeth if we doesn't brush often and be careful about how the amount of sweets we eat.
Of course, putting an egg in vinegar isn't exactly the same as not brushing your teeth, but the chemical reaction caused by the two substances interacting is very similar to what happens between the acid in our mouth and our teeth.
Have a look at a few of our photos...
Blood, Bones and Gory Bits....
This week we launched our topic looking closely at some of the organs from the butchers. The children were able to feel and observe a kidney, liver and hearts. Some were keener than others!!
PE kits will be needed on Fridays next term - please bring outdoor and indoor kit as our weather is rather unpredictable!
We have Drama on Thursday afternoons next half term with Miss Joyce and this will tie in with our new topic.
Learning Logs will change to a Wednesday; the first will be given out on the first week back and will need to be returned for Wednesday 15th January.
Please bring in reading books every day - make sure you have read with an adult at home and they have signed your Reading Record book. You may bring in your own pencil cases if you wish but you will need to take care of your own belongings. Those children with a pen license need to have their pen in school and when it runs out please can you provide your own new one.
Our next exciting topic is....Bones, Blood and Gory Bits
This project has a science focus and teaches children about the human body including significant organs such as the heart, brain and lungs. At the heart of this project children write explanations to describe biological processes of the human body and develop additional skills using a range of technical and scientific language.
In this project the children will learn:
• About the heart, circulation, the pulse and blood;
• About major organs of the human body and their functions in keeping us alive and well;
• How exercise and a healthy diet keeps the body well and fit;
• About the digestive system;
• How to write explanation texts using scientific language;
• How scientific and medical research has changed over time.
If you have any knowledge, contacts or resources that could be useful for our study please let us know!! Thanks
Don't forget...
To Engage with our New Visions topic we went on a Treasure Hunt to Bridgend town. Pupils had parts of photos to locate and looked for clues to help understand the history of the place. After a long walk photographing the area we had a well deserved rest at Aroma coffee house. The cookies and juice were yummy. The sun shone and it was a really great morning. Here are a few photos of our trip...
This project has an art focus and the children will learn different techniques of digital photography. At the heart of the project the children will write stories with familiar settings and develop skills using different forms of speech in their writing.
They will learn:
On Wednesday afternoon the Junior department are involved in the grand opening of the new library at its new site by Bridgend recreation centre. We had help to make masks ready for the walk from the old site to the new site. We will get chance to spend time at the new facilities and join the library team in this exciting new phase of reading in Bridgend.
November 11th open afternoon if you have anything specific to see me about. Please ring the office to make an appointment.
December 20th break up for Christmas!
Croeso i Blwydden 4. In our classroom Mrs Pettey is our teacher and we are also taught by Miss Thomas. We have lots of support from Miss Wilson, Mrs Grandon and Mrs Robertson. During the week Mrs Rogers and Mr Jones come voluntarily to hear us read and we are grateful for this extra help.
Please make sure you remember...
We have launched our
Flight Engineers
topic with a couple of days designing, making, launching and evaluating kites. Have a look at the photos to show what went on...
Jacob Watkins & Georgina Nash our new Eco committee members and
Sameen Iqbal & Courtney Craven our school council members.
Mr Craven (Courtney's Dad) came into school to talk about his work as a flight engineer. He showed us lots of photos of aircraft from various countries he had worked on. He brought in a model aircraft he'd been making for a while. We were surprised how light it was. We bombarded him with lots of questions about his work as an engineer! Mr Craven is training for his light air craft license. Good luck and thanks for coming in Mr Craven!
Please bring outdoor kit on MONDAYS (instead of Tuesday's) after half term for rugby training. All Year 4's will be taking part whether they usually play rugby or are beginners to the sport. Bring rugby boots if you have them or old trainers if not. It could be cold and muddy so wrap up warm!!!
Have a peek at our last day of the half was a chance for us to let our hair down and strut our stuff!!