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Our topic this half term is ‘Bend and Flow’ which has a geography focus and teaches children about rivers, rainfall and the impact of water on the local community. 

As a result of Pupil Voice we will be focusing on the River Ogmore, River Nile and the Amazon River and including a variety of scientific investigations to explore the water cycle and water quality at various locations along the River Ogmore.


In Language we will be focusing on non-chronological reports, recounts and persuasive letters using our 'Bend and Flow' topic as a stimulus. Our class text this half term will be 'Journey to the River Sea.


In Maths the focus will be the four rules of number and measuring e.g. length, weight, mass and capacity with plenty of practical activities to reinforce understanding and development of key skills. 





Homework will be given out every Monday and will be collected in on the following Monday. Children will be given one piece of maths work and a spelling list with words to learn. Children are also expected to read at least once a week to an adult at home (please make sure their reading record book is dated and signed).



P.E. will be every Friday afternoon. Please can you make sure your child has full P.E. kit (including trainers) as we go outside whenever possible. May I remind parents that children are not to wear jewellery to school other than stud earrings, and these must be removed for P.E. or covered with plasters to help avoid injury.
