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We are excited to embark on a very new topic for upper key stage this half term. As part of the whole school topic "Paws, Jaws and Claws" we will be looking at dinosaurs! Children are already excited about the topic and have started coming into school with information and facts they have found out at home.


We are also continuing with our reading records being on Seesaw. If you haven't already signed up for "Seesaw For Families" please do as you will be able to log any reading you have done with your child through your Seesaw account. 

Welcome to 5/6P. We are very lucky this year to have Mrs Szarlat support us.


The children have settled exceptionally well over recent weeks and have shown how eager they are to get back to school life. 


We have been looking at some of my childhood favorite's this half term.  We have read and watched (The original AND the best!) Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, and will be looking at the poem "The Great Realisation". If you haven't seen this on YouTube yet I highly recommend it.


As you may have noticed we are trialing an online reading record this term. When you read with your child can you please add a comment to the photo of the book that they are reading which will already be in the reading file on Seesaw. Children are welcome to upload videos of them reading too, just add it to the reading file. Can children please bring reading books to school every day.


Home work will also be on Seesaw from this September. The first piece was released on Wednesday 23rd September and will be released every 2 weeks. Children are not to complete any other activities or upload any other content to Seesaw as it is used regularly in school to complement work completed in books. 


PE will be every Thursday. Where possible (weather permitting) PE will be outdoors. Children should wear PE kit to school on this day. Please ensure that if it is a dry day that the kit they wear allows then to take part in outdoor PE.


If you have any concerns please don't hesitate to contact the school either by phone or email.


Mrs Szarlat and I are looking forward to a fabulous year with a fabulous class!





You will have had an invite to join Seesaw for families. It would be appreciated if you could connect to Seesaw if you haven't already done so.

Brynteg Open Evening for Years 5 & 6

Please click on the link below to access the virtual open evening form
