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Welcome to 3H!



Miss Helm (class teacher)

Miss Brewster (learning support assistant)



The children are settling well into their first year experience of Key Stage 2 and have begun to explore our new topic- Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. We will be learning about the human body, health and fitness, emotional wellbeing and managing money.


On October 11th we will be visited by Techniquest to conduct a Bones and Body workshop.  This will help the class to form ideas of how to present our rich task of a Body Roadshow, where the children will present their learning through interactive activities for their families to take part in.



Things to Remember!


Fruit Money - the children now choose and buy their own fruit from the Junior fruit stall at playtime. The cost is 20p per piece of fruit - please ensure they have this money with them in the morning or their own piece of fruit for snack time from home.


P.E. Kit - this half term our P.E. is fitness- based and takes place inside every Wednesday. Please ensure that your child has their P.E. Kit with them or leaves it at school on their peg. Kit is a white tee shirt and black shorts with trainers and socks.


Reading Book - it is essential that your child brings their reading book to school with them every day. Your support in listening to them read at home is vital and plays an important part in developing their reading skills. Please try to listen to your child read at least 3 times a week- just a few pages. Take time to talk about the story and characters, discuss unfamiliar words and encourage the use of expression. 



Keep up to date with our class activities by following us on Twitter!

Take a look at these links below...


Beeps Challenge (Homework)
