Welcome to 3S
Welcome to the first year of the juniors! This year Mrs Stephens is lucky enough to have Mrs Deere working alongside her. The children have settled into the new class and have been busy making, 'Magic Faraway Tree' doors, sketching their portraits and writing in full sentences about themselves, writing descriptive sentences, using their times table knowledge to colour by number an Alien as well as working together to create their own mathematical games.
The children are coping very well with all things new in the juniors! All children are able to bring in money of their own to purchase a piece of fruit each day at the snack shack.....they are more than welcome to bring in their own piece of fruit from home if they wish.
Please remind pupils to bring their reading books and reading record books in every day. It is still very important that you read with your child as often as possible at home. When the children can read their book fluently, and with understanding they will be able to change their book.
This term our topic is based on a book called 'The Skies Above My Eyes' The children have come up with lots of great ideas through pupil voice and are very excited to work towards our rich task.....a space themed party!
P.E. will be on Mondays and pupils will need a plain white t shirt and shorts, skirts or skorts. Please ensure any child with long hair has it tied back or a band for it. If a pupil is unable to take part due to a medical condition please send a note in or see Mrs Stephens at the start of the day. Please ensure all children remove jewelry for P.E.
As the term goes on we will be regularly updating the web site. If you have any suggestions for things you would like to see on the class page please see Mrs Stephens.
A message from Brackla Primary
Click on the link below to see a message from our staff.
Spring Term 2020
3S, 3/4M and 4H's topic this half term is 'Molecule Mayhem'. The children will become little scientists whereby they will carry out a variety of experiments and learn about solids, liquids and gases.
Their rich task this half term is to create a soap or a bath bomb and sell their product within school. They will be expected to carry out market research, design their product, make their product including packaging, and sell their product. The children have already carried out a 'Harry Potter' session and thoroughly enjoyed.
In their language, the children will be watching the film trailer of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and will be learning to write a formal letter. They will be reading George's Marvellous Medicine and writing a script. Also, they'll be reading a book named Spells and will be learning to write a newspaper article.
We will be continuing to learn our times tables. We will also be looking at measuring liquids using millilitres, short division and learning to tell the time.
End of Autumn Term
Mrs Stephens and Mrs Deere are lucky enough to have a fantastic group of children within year 3 this year. They have all settled well into the first year of juniors and are all working super hard! We are both extremely proud of them all!
We have had an extremely busy first term in the junior department. The children have become increasingly independent with the use of the 'Creative Crib', where they complete a variety of tasks independently. They all worked really hard to plan and deliver a 'Space Themed Party' for all KS2 children. They were responsible for creating invitations, posters and tickets...as well as using their money skills to calculate costs of a variety of party bags.
We will continue to work on using a variety of combinations to make different amounts of money to pay for different items, so if there is any opportunity where you child can use money at home, this would help them greatly within their school tasks. In Maths, we have worked on perfecting our number skills; adding, subtracting, multiplying using a variety of mental strategies....We have introduced column addition, the children have worked really hard ensuring that they place each digit in the correct column and calculating accurately. Don't forget....any opportunity for your child to practice their times tables would be fantastic! They should be confident with their 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 times tables!
The children have produced some fantastic pieces of language work this term. They have written diary entries, narratives, descriptive pieces of work, instructional writing and will be writing poems in the next couple of weeks. All children are beginning to improve their presentation ensuring they form their letters correctly, and are increasingly becoming independent in using dictionairies to ensure their spellings are correct.
All children are able to bring in money of their own to purchase a piece of fruit each day at the snack shack.....they are more than welcome to bring in their own piece of fruit from home if they wish.
Please remind pupils to bring their reading books and reading record books in every day. It is still very important that you read with your child as often as possible at home. When the children can read their book fluently, and with understanding they will be able to change their book.
P.E. will be on Mondays and pupils are able to come to school wearing suitable bottoms and their school top. Please ensure any child with long hair has it tied back or a band for it. If a pupil is unable to take part due to a medical condition please send a note in or see Mrs Stephens at the start of the day. Please ensure all children remove jewelry for P.E.
If you have any suggestions for things you would like to see on the class page please see Mrs Stephens.