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Welsh week 2016

The week beginning 22nd February was Welsh week in school.  All of the children got involved in a variety of activities to celebrate our Welsh culture and language.  Some of the activities involved folk dancing, art, cookery, singing, drama to name a few!


On March 1st, we held our annual Eisteddfod where children particpated in English and Welsh recitations (individually and in groups), singing, folk dancing and music competitions.  During the day, the winnders of the off stage items undetaken during Welsh week were also announced.


As part of the English lessons in years 3-6, children particpated in a writing activity which was then entered into the writing competition.  Children in years 3 and 4 wrote a diary entry based on a story they had read ofbased on a journey on the Mimosa to Pataganoia.  Children in year 5 used a story from 'The Dark Tales From the Woods' as a stimulus to write their own suspense story, whilst children in year 6 wrote a story using 'The Matchstick Man' as their stimulus.


The overall winnder of the writing competition was crowned 'Bard of Brackla 2016' and this year the honour was awarded to Courtney Craven in year 6.
