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Welcome to 3/4D. I'm Mrs Delgado, the class teacher and I'd like to welcome all of the children to my new class. Mr Williams, Mrs Barber and Miss Hall also help at varying times throughout the week.


Topic Work

This half term our topic ‘Wild Wood' has a Science theme. We will be looking at wildlife, particularly trees, plants and flowers as well as insects and other invertebrates. We will be looking at different insects from around the world and discussing their habitats and natural environments and also sorting creatures according to their features. Art will also play an important part of this topic, to include sketching, making collages out of natural materials and junk modelling.


Learning Log

P.E and Games is every Wednesday in years 3 and 4. Could you please ensure your child has full P.E. kit,  including trainers as Games usually takes place outdoors. P.E. daps aren't suitable for outdoor Games as it often takes place on the field.

Spelling words for test on Tuesday 5th July
