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Welcome to Nursery

I am Mrs Driscoll the Nursery teacher and along with Mrs Vincent, Mrs Robinson and Mrs Deere we are looking forward to a fun year with all the Nursery children this year.  The children have had a great start in Nursery and are having lots of fun exploring their new classroom. We have been painting, building, exploring with play dough and getting a bit messy with shaving foam! 


Here are some photographs of the fun we have been having together!

Things to Remember

Please send in 

  •  £1 fruit money in a labelled envelope on a Monday
  • A complete change of clothes in a labelled bag
  • A waterproof coat and a pair of wellies (labelled)


and finally please remember to label everything!

Our Topic

This half term our topic is 'I am Special' and we will be learning all about ourselves, our senses and our families. We will be sharing lots of our learning experiences with you so keep checking our updates to share all the fun we will be having.


Well done to the Nursery children on their first few weeks of being in Nursery all day! We’ve been a bit tired but we’ve had lots of fun learning about our bodies and our senses. We’ve been learning about our sense of sight and hearing. We’ve been busy making magic glasses and faces, talking about the things that we can see and playing colour games. We have also been using our listening ears to hear different sounds on a listening walk around our school.

We have had even more fun learning about our sense of hearing. We made shakers and  explored  making lots of different sounds in our outdoor area. The teachers said it was very noisy!
Wizzy Wizard 
This week we have been very busy helping Wizzy Wizard to make some smelly potions. We learned about our sense of smell and played a smelling game. We wrote smelly potion recipes, made potions and went on a smelling walk in the junior garden. We found lavender and mint and added them to our smelly potions. We worked so hard and made Wizzy Wizard very happy!

World of Animals

We have been learning about lots of different animals this half term. We started by learning about farm animals. We read the story 'Who's in the Shed' and helped the animals to find a new home. 

We made homes for the animals using construction

We used masks to retell the story

Jungle Animals

Gerry Giraffe needed our help to find his friends. We read 'Rumble in the Jungle' and learned about the jungle animals in lots of different ways.

Polar Animals

It's been very cold learning about polar bears and where they live. We've been exploring with ice and helping the polar bears to find the way home to their snow den.

Elvis the Elf

You'll never guess what has happened in our nursery! 

Elvis the Elf has arrived and brought Santa's workshop with him! We have been very busy elves helping Santa get all the presents made and wrapped ready for Christmas.
