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This half term we will be enjoying learning about the seaside through a variety of stories, poems and experiences. We will be reading books such as "Sharing a Shell", "Olly the Octopus" and myths and legends about the sea (mermaids and pirates!).


Through this topic we will be:

  • Creating temporary art using natural materials to put in our willow area.
  • Recording our feelings and experiences through drawing, mark making and emergent writing.
  • Using our bodies to respond imaginatively to sounds and music.
  • Considering the effects of pollution on the natural habitat.


Alongside these the children will be blending and segmenting words, exploring letters and sounds and recording their work through a range of mark making experiences. They will be looking at adding one more and early subtraction skills in their mathematical work. We are also looking forward to the possible visit from a local lifeguard!

Spaghetti with the Yeti!

Over the next two weeks we will be learning about Easter. So far this week we have listened to the Easter story, looked at the famous painting of the last supper, started our own paintings AND acted out the last supper, talking about Jesus and his disciples.

The Last Supper so far...

Welcome back to a new half term! We also have a new theme called Glow and Glitter. Our engage day will be on Wednesday the 5th of November full of Bonfire Night activities. The children will be making breadstick sparklers, shape rocket pictures, blow painting fireworks, a firework display class collage and also take part in an explosive Write Dance activity. See below for some photos and videos.


This theme will see us learning about some celebrations such as Diwali and Christmas, identifying and exploring light sources and shadows, sorting shiny and not shiny materials, playing and experimenting with ice and the good old-fashioned run up to Christmas with lots of practising for our Christmas Concert!


 It 's been a pleasure to see the children increase in confidence and settle so well into nursery life and it was great to see so many families attend our open day, see photos below.  Now winter is fast approaching please ensure your child always comes to school with a warm coat and suitable clothing to keep them warm at play and lunchtime. Thank you.


Open Day!

Nursery is an important time for children to develop their back, core, arm and finger muscles to support their journey into writing. We start with lots of work on a large scale involving the children making marks in a variety of ways with different tools and implements. Take a look below at some of the various mark making activities the children have enjoyed.

Mark Making Mayhem!
