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FAZ (Family Action Zone): 2013 - 2014

A big thank you to the families that took part in FAZ during January and February. I'm sure you will agree it was a lot of fun and a worthwhile project.


Day : Wednesday            Time : 3.30 - 4.15pm      Organised by : Mrs C Coskun  

Staff : Mrs K Thomas      Supported by : Mrs A Morgan


Currently running for Year 2 children and their families

This is a 6 week programme starting 15th January

(please speak to the office if you wish to join after this date - all welcome !)


FAZ is a programme that encourages children and their families in Bridgend County Borough to enjoy fun, healthy and active lifestyles together. It has been given the thumbs up by Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage, Huw Lewis.

The programme is being implemented by Bridgend County Borough Council’s Active Young People’s Department (AYPD) in partnership with local primary schools, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, Create Development and Sport Wales.

Jointly-funded by Sport Wales and Families First, the programme presents a number of health messages to families with children aged between three and six through a variety of fun activities, including interactive games, story times, and healthy food making sessions.

The interactive games and other physical activities enjoyed as part of the programme focus on balance, agility and co-ordination as well as developing the children’s social and personal skills.
